Pictured above: Todd Wells, Andy Ninichuck Vice-President, Charlie Maklem, Tim DuFau President, Tiffiany Riddle.
Williamsburg - Charlie Maklem
Bethel-Tate - Tiffiany Riddle
Felicity-Franklin - Andy Ninichuck, VicePresident
New Richmond - Tim DuFau, President and Todd Wells
With the changes in the way society views education and training, it is imperative that students have the opportunity to develop skills necessary to secure employment, and be able to seek the necessary training to upgrade in that career. The role of Career and Technical Education in this continuum is to provide the critical thinking skills and lifelong learning skills for the students to be marketable in the workforce.
To accomplish our purpose, schools need to provide sufficient variety in curriculum, in methods of instruction, and in materials in order to accommodate different needs of all learners.
The U.S. Grant CTPD Board of Education and staff have developed the following promises to outline the district's beliefs, concepts, and attitudes related to learning:
We believe that in order for students to be successful in a chosen profession, we should broaden the scope of the career and technical training experience for each student.
We believe we should expand access to enhance educational opportunities for all students
We believe that to broaden the education of all students, we should focus on career-education and focus on lifelong individual needs.
We believe we should provide a curriculum sequence between secondary and post-secondary education through articulation for those students planning more formal education after high school.
We believe that we should make prudent use of all available resources in meeting the career and technical training needs of the students.
We believe we should involve business, industry, and higher education in curriculum development that leads to the fulfillment of current and future employment needs and post-secondary education.