If Grant Career Center must close due to inclement weather or other emergencies, an announcement will be made on all Greater Cincinnati radio, television stations’ web sites, social media outlets, Grant Career Center APP at www.mygrantcareer.com, and through our call/text/email notification system. When Grant CTPD is in session, students are expected to attend school. In the event that a student does not have transportation from their home school due to an emergency or closure due to inclement weather, the absence will be recorded as a function of the home school and will not count towards a student’s absences (parent note required). All announcements will be aired under the name of Grant CTPD. Parents/guardians and students are responsible for knowing about emergency closings and delays. Parents and students are responsible for knowing about emergency closings and delays.

Grant Career Center does not provide transportation for students. Transportation is arranged and managed by each student’s affiliate school district, which determines the transportation policies for its students.

Students should follow their home school district’s schedule for weather-related closings and delays. However, Grant Career Center will independently decide whether to remain open or close based on the decisions made by our affiliate school districts.

Students are encouraged to stay informed about announcements from both their home school district and Grant Career Center to ensure they are aware of any changes to their schedules.

I didn't receive a call or text about closure

To ensure you receive important emergency notifications, please make sure your FinalForms account is up to date with accurate contact information.
