Education empowers our youth to realize their aspirations and dreams. Thank a school board member!
Williamsburg - Beth McManus
Bethel-Tate - Tiffiany Riddle
Felicity-Franklin - Andy Ninichuck, President
New Richmond - Tim DuFau, Vice President
Bethel-Tate - Brandy Pryor
Mark Your Calendars! Manufacturing Engineering Technology Q&A Night - January 26th, 6:30-8:00 pm in the RAMTEC BUILDING
Due to a Power Outage at Grant Career Center. The scheduled board meeting will be held tonight at Bethel-Tate High School Room 121 6-8pm
Congratulations to Isaiah Heitman (Information Technology) for being accepted to Thomas More University! #ChooseToBeGreat #BTBetterTogether
Criminal Justice visits Clermont County Municipal Court
Congratulations to all of our students who achieved honor roll and perfect attendance for the second quarter.
Southwest Ohio Farriers Assoc. are spending the day at Grant Career Center perfecting their trade and sharing with our students, their knowledge of Farrier Science.
Forensic Toxicology: Identifying unknown white powders.
Vet Science seniors got to meet puppies that they saw on Ultrasound in November! Huge thanks to Becky Eichler!!
Dr Gabe from Nuture Animal Clinic donated his time and expertise to allow students to have a surgery day in lab. Huge thanks to Dr Gabe!!
MARK YOUR CALENDARS - HEALTH SOURCE MOBILE DENTAL SERVICES will be on campus Feb 20th-24th. 2023. Complete and return forms or by fax to 513-707-9883 ATTN: Stephanie or return to GCC to reserve your child's appt.
Teacher In-Service Day at Grant Career Center features Tom Schimmer, recognized as a leader and expert in the areas of classroom assessment, sound grading practices, educational leadership, and RTI. #ChoosetobeGreat!
Priority applications are due THIS FRIDAY, 1/6/2023, it's your best chance to secure your program of choice. #ChoosetobeGreat
January Lunch Menu
will be on campus Feb 20th-24th. 2023. Complete and return forms or by fax to 513-707-9883 ATTN: Stephanie or return to GCC to reserve your child's appt.
Special thanks to our alumni, Brittney Stutz, EMT & ICU RN and her partners from Bethel Tate Fire/ EMS for visiting the Allied Health Lab and bringing their Med Unit.
On Wednesday, Mr. Dorsey's science class did an experiement called, "Cry Me a River". Students tried different ways to cut an onion to prevent them from tearing up. Today students worked those onions into French Onion Soup, while discusing the science behind caramelizing onions.
Ashley Bee, an Allied Health student at the Grant Career Center, is up for small school basketball player of the week at Bethel High School! VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!
Toby Humphries, an IT student at Grant Career Center, is up for small school basketball player of the week at Williamsburg High School! VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!
See Video Highlights
A heat transfer experiment was conducted by Mr. Dorsey's Survey of Science and Junior Culinary. We created a Baked Alaska and discussed how the meringue's air bubbles protected the ice cream from melting in the oven and when exposed to a torch. Chef Cash made an Amazing Meringue!