On Wednesday, Mr. Dorsey's science class did an experiement called, "Cry Me a River". Students tried different ways to cut an onion to prevent them from tearing up. Today students worked those onions into French Onion Soup, while discusing the science behind caramelizing onions.

Ashley Bee, an Allied Health student at the Grant Career Center, is up for small school basketball player of the week at Bethel High School! VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!

Toby Humphries, an IT student at Grant Career Center, is up for small school basketball player of the week at Williamsburg High School! VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!
See Video Highlights

A heat transfer experiment was conducted by Mr. Dorsey's Survey of Science and Junior Culinary. We created a Baked Alaska and discussed how the meringue's air bubbles protected the ice cream from melting in the oven and when exposed to a torch. Chef Cash made an Amazing Meringue!

All aboard The ALLIED HEALTH EXPRESS!!! Great Job Seniors!

New Richmond Grant students will be in session tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday. New Richmond Grant Student Bus Riders will have to provide their own transportation to NRHS (Thursday and Friday) They will be bussed from NRHS to Grant Career Center.

Grant Graduates Class of 2022!! We are trying to get ahold of you!
We want to know how you are doing! As we discussed at graduation, it’s now follow up time. IMPORTANT!! Please take a moment to complete this form. It is VERY important that we have accurate information for you. This is a REQUIREMENT for the Ohio Department of Education. Thank you and the best of luck to you in future!! Don't forget your Grant family is always here for you, should you need anything in the future!! The questionnaire has been emailed to your grant email and your personal email addresses. We also sent a text message to the phone number you gave us right before graduation. If you have any questions, please contact April Graybill, PH: 513-729-9150


Last chance to order Grant Career Center Spirit Wear! https://shop.threadinitup.com/product-category/spiritwear/grant-career-center/

Senior Industrial Academy Welding Students taking part in Grant Career Center's work-based learning program at ATW in Batavia.

Welcome to Culinary, Williamsburg!

Welcome to Culinary, Felicity!

Mr. Heflin hard at work decorating cookies in Culinary today.

Allied Health Juniors gearing up for Sophomore Visits!!

We are starting to collect non-perishable goods for our Winter Food Drive. Please see list below for what we need! If you have any further questions you can contact Emily.Cadwallader@grantcareer.com
#ChooseToBeGreat #GiveBackToYourCommunity #GiveBack #Winter

So proud of our Alumni Allied Health Student, Ava Petry.

Vet Science students learning to make blood smears

Allied Health Jrs and Srs took a trip to the Health Career Expo today at Great Wolf Lodge.💉💊🩺